Here are a few important considerations if you want a website that produces top-of-industry results:
Your website should be built by designers who not only understand the technical aspects but are also talented marketers.
An incomplete understanding of design and marketing going into your website build will hurt your business and waste your money. For example, if you hire a brilliant coder/artist to build your site, there can be blindspots in understanding how to structure and write the site in sales ad copy and sales psychology. In these cases, there can be issues understanding customer psychology, marketing best practices, and creating missed opportunities.
On the other hand, a pure marketer might give you a site on an inappropriate hosting platform that does not fit your long-term plans. Another common issue is that without the proper level of technical knowledge, sites can be built that load slow enough to negatively impact your Google rankings or user experience; slow speed kills. Even if a proper platform is chosen to fit your long-term goals, it requires technical knowledge to prevent errors, security vulnerabilities, and is designed to be user-friendly when you need to make changes. This lack of foresight can require future site rebuilds or additional hidden costs to your business.
Sales Psychology and Calls To Action
Ever notice how there are massive differences in the performance of salespeople in a business? Some produce double or triple the average. This is because of how the salesperson communicates with the customer. The language on your website is no different. If you want a powerful website, you must have it built by sales copy experts and you will see massive differences in results (let alone compliments on how well written and clearly communicated your website is).
Technical Elements
Where your elements are placed, your user experience, and how quickly your site loads matter. For example, a website that takes too long to load will make a percentage of your visitors click away in frustration. It has been common for us to find websites that take over 20 seconds to load! To make matters worse, Google and other search engines understand that slow sites create poor experiences and will derank sites with these poor experiences. This is why it’s important your build has competence.